HR Triage

Emergencies happen... 

  • Lawsuits
  • Disciplinary actions
  • The loss of key employees or entire departments 

Our crew is here for you!

C4 is here to help you manage the panic and terror, assess the facts and focus your business efforts on the key decisions required to weather the storm. Let us maximize your success whether your needs are critical, acute or unexpectedly complex emergencies.

Critical Care

We can address your most urgent HR needs

  • Determine organizational priorities and focus on specific outcomes
  • Ensure seamless continuation of processes and communications with internal/external vendors.
  • Manage immediate talent issues (training, compliance, search, etc.)
  • Maintain documentation to ensure a smooth transfer of knowledge

Acute Calibrations

  • Create or Update your talent programs and procedures (handbooks, training decks, etc.)
  • Conduct educational sessions to transform employee culture (management skills, emotional intelligence, growth mindset, etc.)
  • Implement systems to control your information repository and reduce manual administration

Complex Emergencies

Our experts can help you surmount unexpected challenges

  • Manage your M&A with ease as we help you quickly onboard a whole new team.
  • Calibrate risks and communicate with stakeholders to ensure continuity, compliance and adoption.
  • Prepare for and support your teams during reviews and audits.
  • Develop or execute emergency planning including program management, planning, implementation, testing and exercises and program improvement.
  • and much more….

Ready to learn more about C4 Talent HR ER Services?